*This month I'm talking about who you are yet being who #God created you to be.
We all have our own style when it comes to #fashion...
*Let your style reflects on you what you wear. You will feel confident, powerful, capable and above all happiness when you wear your favorite clothes.
*Fashion makes you feel empowered, when you wear what makes you happy. (smile) There is actually a theory{ that dopamine is released in your brain and gives you the same rush that a drug might give you} Which is the #fashion style that makes you this #happy. Oh well your therapist is out of job!..Lol:) Now let us dig out the #different fashion styles before you find out which one you like the most.
*10 Types of Fashion Styles, Which One is You? #1 Vintage Fashion Style.#2 Bohemian Fashion Style.#3 Chic Fashion Style.#4 Artsy Fashion Style.#5 Sexy Fashion Style.#6 Casual Fashion Style.#7 Sophisticated Fashion Style.#8 Tomboy Fashion Style. #9 Street style fashion. #10 Classy chic style fashion...of course there's more styles especially the ones only you will #Create.
As for me I can be all of #Them (smile) is depends on my #mood of the day I love to be chic-stylish-classy yet sophisticated.
Yes there a lots fashion styles but what really matter is what makes you happy and of course how comfortable you are in those #clothes. As always stay #stylish @ all times.
By Nadege Wilson